Select * from ( --send ports SELECT nvcAddress as path , btsapp.nvcName as BiztalkApp,sendport.nvcName as Port ,'SendPort' FROM dbo.bts_application btsapp INNER JOIN dbo.bts_sendport sendport ON btsapp.nID = sendport.nApplicationID INNER JOIN dbo.bts_sendport_transport sendport_transport ON sendport.nID = sendport_transport.nSendPortID Where nvcAddress like '%jack%' UNION ALL --receive locations SELECT InboundTransportURL as path, btsapp.nvcName AS BiztalkApp,rp.nvcName , 'ReceivePort' FROM dbo.bts_application btsapp INNER JOIN dbo.bts_receiveport rp ON btsapp.nID = rp.nApplicationID INNER JOIN dbo.adm_ReceiveLocation rl ON rp.nID = rl.ReceivePortID Where InboundTransportURL like '%jack%' ) a order by BiztalkApp --SELECT * FROM sys.tables where name like '%receive%' --SELECT * FROM adm_ReceiveLocation
Friday, January 10, 2025
create sql query to select all file shares used by all Biztalk applications from Biztalk database in a following format: Biztalk application,Location,file share path
Saturday, January 21, 2023
back biztalk apps
$exportFolder = "d:\bcp\2023-01-20" $server = "DBSERVER110" $database = "BizTalkMgmtDB" $apps = @( "App1" ,"App2" ,"App3" ) $bp="D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2" foreach ($app in $apps) { Write-Host "===== Application: $($app) ==== " if ($app -ne "BizTalk.System") # avoid error trying to export this app { $fmtDateTime = $(get-date -f yyyy_MM_dd__HH_mm_ss) $bindingsDestFilename = "${exportFolder}\$($app).xml" # _$fmtDateTime $msiAppDestFilename = "${exportFolder}\$($app).msi" # _$fmtDateTime write-host $bindingsDestFilename $allArgs = @("ExportBindings", "/Destination:$bindingsDestFilename", "/ApplicationName:$($app)" "/Server:$server", "/Database:$database") if ($app -eq "BizTalk EDI Application") { #just backup the parties one time with this one app $allArgs += "/GlobalParties" } write-host "Args=$allArgs" & "$bp\BTSTask.exe" $allArgs $allArgs = @("ExportApp", "/Package:$msiAppDestFilename", "/ApplicationName:$($app)", "/Server:$server", "/Database:$database") write-host "Args=$allArgs" & "$bp\BTSTask.exe" $allArgs } }
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
How to receive email notification when biztalk receive location is suspended
Following stored procedure has been created:
IF EXISTS (SELECT '*' FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[BiztalkRecieveLocationNotification]')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[BiztalkRecieveLocationNotification] GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[BiztalkRecieveLocationNotification] /********************************************************************************************************** -- DESCRIPTION: Email list of suspended receive locations -- -- DATE AUTHOR -- CREATED: -- MODIFIED: -- **********************************************************************************************************/ AS BEGIN DECLARE @xml NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX) if EXISTS (SELECT * FROM BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.adm_ReceiveLocation AS RL WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK) INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_receiveport AS RP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK) ON RL.ReceivePortId = RP.nID INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_application AS APP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK) ON RP.nApplicationID = APP.nID where APP.nvcName ='MyBiztalkApp' AND Disabled=-1 ) BEGIN SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT APP.nvcName AS 'td','' ,RP.nvcName AS 'td','' ,RL.InboundTransportURL AS 'td','' ,RL.Name AS 'td','' FROM BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.adm_ReceiveLocation AS RL WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK) INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_receiveport AS RP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK) ON RL.ReceivePortId = RP.nID INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_application AS APP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK) ON RP.nApplicationID = APP.nID where APP.nvcName ='MyBiztalkApp' AND Disabled=-1 FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) /* Body as the HTML table */ SET @body ='<html><body><H3>Biztalk Suspended Receive locations:</H3> <table border = "2" align="center" > <tr> <th> Application Name </th> <th> Port Name </th> <th> Adapter URI </th><th> Location Name </th></tr>' SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>' /*Execute the Stored Proc to send us the Mail using the Parameters */ EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='', @copy_recipients ='', @subject = 'Biztalk recieve location suspended', @body = @body, @body_format = 'HTML' ; END END
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Error into Disassembler component: The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found.
This error happens if in disassembler component you missed outgoing message type specification.
This could be fixed by following code:
// this schema is required to have routing working correctly. outMsg.Context.Promote("MessageType", "", "http://SampleImport.InternalSampleImportSchema#Root"); outMsg.Context.Promote("SchemaStrongName", "", "SampleImport.dll");
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